I spent about 4 years working at Voltage. I started as an intern and worked my way up to designer and marketing helping work on over 50 projects, from companies as big as crocs and chipotle to startups that you’ve probably never of. I jump-started voltages’ internal marketing program. brought them technology. acted as a Gen Z translator. implemented social media and influencer campaigns for clients. and so much more. I have so much work I could potentially show for voltage, that Im just going o show the one thing I’m most proud of.
The brand guideline I created:
Voltage has a very interesting brand. Our CEO Eric Fowles has this idea that voltage needs to be serious yet free of all rules. and ironicly I was tasked with creating the brand rules.
To do this I broke all tasks up into 3 categories
Functional: aka serious
Creative: aka less serious
Expressive: aka free of all rules
And then I created the brand guidelines off of this idea.
Voltage Advertising + Design
Voltage Advertising + Design
2019 - 2023