more will be posted soon. thi was a project for an event with SF Run Company X Nike. the event is based around weekly trail runs on the famous Marin CA loop known as the Ninja Loop. based on how many times you run it you’ll earn different prizes. for this project, I was commissioned to design logo stickers and a shirt design. once the event occurs and photography can capture the designs in use I will update this page with more professional photos. for now, basic images of the work are posted below. enjoy!
NIKE -Ninja Loop Designs-
Nike commissioned me to create a logo for the ninja loop trail in Marin Valley CA.
Loop can be seen here: NINJA LOOP
The logo was inspired by the golden gate bridge which is where you start the loop. And then the three peaks (with flags) that you complete during the loop
These stickers were inspired by the ninja loop logo above. two color options were created with different typography for runners to choose between
Tshirt Design:
The T-shirt design was inspired by a map of the Ninja Loop. I created a semi-accurate artistic illustration of the loop based off the topography and natural landmarks of the area.
I Inlcuded a elevation map and compass to orantianate the viewer as well as logos for both SFRC and Nike Trail
A decided to throw in a poster as a free design because the T-shirt design I had made would look good on a poster, and It also took very little time to change the design to be a poster