Motus Performance Therapy
Motus Performance therapy is a physical therapy gym run by Dr. Kyle Griffith. Dr. Griffith is a licensed chiropractor, movement specialist, and certified practitioner in many soft tissue Dr. Griffith has a passion for helping individuals of all ages achieve their goals by improving their movement and performance. He asked me to create 3 T-shirts to be sold and given away at his gym. below you can find multiple t-shirt designs.

Working with Dr. Griffen was truly a pleasure. I could his passion for movement and how much he wanted to help people. The “movement is medicine” shirt instantly became their best seller, but the “move well move often” kettle bell design and pill bottle with stripes also went into production and have sold well. This was a great project to work on and strengthen an new I had been working on because Dr Griffen was really into the single line style I had done a couple times before.